Friday, September 23, 2011

::Canadian Car Bomb::

Happy first day of Autumn!
As I said in my last post my old friend Rachel has been in town this week for her 10 yr high school reunion. She arrived at my place late Sunday night. The wonderful Seattle weather we've been soaking up suddenly took a turn for the worst this weekend and Rachel and I both had the beginning hints of a cold.
I cant really take all the credit for this, Rachel is a pretty brilliant (and a tad demented) mixologist. Here's a step by step tutorial in how to make the most cold calming cure, the Canadian Car Bomb:
Start off with a generous pour of Crown Royal Whisky. (that's the Canadian part)
Make sure we each patient gets an equal dose.
Apply fresh squeezed Lemon juice.
Maybe a little more while you're at it, why not?
Finally place two Honey Menthol cough drops in each glass and add a generous spoonful of Honey and boiling hot water. The cough drops should audibly crack and disperse their medicinal qualities through out the beverage. It's especially soothing to kick back with some old Golden Girls episodes or The Colbert Report with a couple of these little numbers. Cheers!

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