Thursday, December 10, 2009

Elimination diets can actually be delicious

This week I've embarked upon a 3 week 'Elimination/Anti Inflamatory" diet under the urging of my Acupuncturist in hopes of figuring out what may be causing my years and years of mysterious skin rashes. Thanks to the bundle of lovely Myer Lemons I picked in Berkeley I've discovered my new favorite lunch:
Sauteed Capolinni Onion in Coconut Oil, a large handful of chopped Kale or Braising Greens mix, tossed in a cast iron pan with a bit of wheat free Tamari, and the juice from once small hand picked Myer Lemon. Then dumped on some Brown Rice cooked in Vegetable Broth and topped with one grated raw carrot and chopped organic free range peppered turkey meat. As delicious as it is now I'm sure in 3 weeks I'll be very very sick of this.

1 comment:

  1. Holy shit! Minus the turkey, that looks amazing. I cannot cook vegetables in cast-iron skillets. Ugh. I wish I could 'cause I have two great skillets. I love greens, though. I recently got into eating tofu, kale and white means cooked with soy sauce and lemon over brown rice.
